Job title:Consultancy - URCS DRR interventions
Organization:British Red Cross
Salary:Very Attractive
Deadline: 10 Oct 2013
Terms of Reference
Value for Money – A Review of URCS DRR interventions
In 2008 Uganda Red Cross (URCS) introduced Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) as a major for Disaster Management with the aim of mobilizing communities to identify and act upon risks before disaster strikes.
In 2009, with support from British Red Cross (BRC) a three year DRR project was launched in Pallisa district in Eastern Uganda; with the aim of (a) building resilience to flooding and its associated risks for 2,800 households in two communities vulnerable to frequent flooding in Pallisa and (b) strengthening URCS Pallisa branch capacity, with particular focus on its branch and community structures, to implement risk reduction work. Interventions focused on malaria control, watsan and livelihoods all implemented using a DRR approach.
In effect, the project became a test site for URCS as approaches then helped inform the development of the 5 years URCS 2011-2015 DRR Strategy.
Since 2010, URCS has initiated a number of programmes which have, solely or partly, focused on DRR including:
2010-2011 DRR project (Katakwi branch)
2011-2014 Reducing Community Risks: Strengthening Disaster Response (Kumi, Sironko and Bududa branches)
2012-2015 Manafwa River Basin Project (Butaleja, Bududa and Manafwa branches)
2012-2014 Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (Gulu and Lira branches)
2011-2015 Partners for Resilience (Katakwi and Apac branches)
2012-2014 Diarrhea Risk Reduction (Iganga branch)
In addition, there are many other DRR projects that started in 2013 and there is much on-going work supported by different branches which includes elements of DRR practice but which is not supported by specific project funding.
A study of DRR – A Value for Money Review
Moving forward, URCS would like to better understanding the whether its DRR work offers value for money (VFM). To date, no specific studies have been undertaken by URCS in this regard and this is seen as a gap which needs to be addressed. A consultant(s) is needed to work with URCS to develop an approach to VFM and undertake a review of URCSs DRR work from a VFM perspective.
The study will involve the development of a methodology which can be used to assess VFM of the URCSs DRR work and a review of existing work using the agreed methodology. The purpose of the study to develop a better understanding of URCSs DRR and the degree to which different interventions and approaches offer value for money. Findings will be used to guide future plans as well as shared findings more widely to inform learning about DRR planning in Uganda.
The consultant will also document any issues arising or recommendations which fall outside the remit of the study but which could be useful for URCS to consider in its DRR work in future.
It is anticipated that this will include:
A literature review including:
o DRR related VFM and cost benefit literature
o Evaluations, reports and documents from the URCS DRR projects
o URCS DRR process documents
oURCS DRR strategy
o GoU DM policy
o Minutes from the URCS DRR task force
Development of an appropriate and replicable methodology for value for money assessments, with an approach includes the views of beneficiaries
Interviews and group discussions with staff and volunteers involved in DRR
Visits to DRR project communities (to RRSR programme and selected others from those listed in section 1)
Interviews with beneficiaries and other stakeholders
A review of URCS financial information related to DRR programming
The consultant will work closely with URCS colleagues to complete this task.
4.Target audience
The audience for the study is:
- Internal: shared between staff and volunteers to inform and promote good practice.
- Externally the primarily audiences are:
o DRR practitioners and policy makers in Uganda
o DRR practitioners within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
Outputs Required
The consultant will produce
a) Inception report
b) Draft VFM methodology
c) Final VFM methodology
d) Review report re URCS DRR VFM which will be:
A DRR cost benefit case study which will be:
- No more than 20 pages (pictures will be additional)
- Clear, easy to read and jargon free
- Demonstrably evidenced based
- Designed to enable sharing of lessons learned - internally and externally
Working with the communications manager and DM colleagues, high quality photographs should be identified, and together along with captions and copyright details, should be appended to the case study. Note: the consultant is only expected to provide the content for the case study, the layout/design of the final document will be managed separately.
Quality and Ethical Standards
The consultant should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the review respects and protects the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that it is technically accurate and reliable. The consultant should therefore adhere to the following standards:
The outputs:
a) Must be prepared in an ethical and legal manner, with particular regard for the welfare of those who may be affected by the report and case study.
b) Should provide a comprehensive, unbiased and transparent view of the situation being documented.
c) Should be technical accurate and provide sufficient information about the data collection, analysis, and interpretation methods so that its worth or merit can be determined.
It is also expected that the report will respect the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: 1) humanity, 2) impartiality, 3) neutrality, 4) independence, 5) voluntary service, 6) unity, and 7) universality.
It is expected that the assignment will take approximately 20 days to complete. Ideally all work will finalised by mid December 2013
Application Process
8.1 Person specification
Selection of the consultant will be based on the following qualifications:
a. Extensive experience of DRR and related work
b. Proven experience of developing and applying VFM approaches
c. Excellent analytical and writing skills
d. Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports
e. Experience of writing case studies/practice papers for publication
f. Proven experience of undertaken evaluations and reviews
g. Excellent communication skills
h. Demonstrated capacity to deliver high quality outputs within a proposed timeframe
i. Knowledge of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement preferred;
j. Availability to undertake and complete the work within the period indicated
8.2 Accountability and Support
a. The consultant will be contracted by BRCS.
b. A team comprising URCS and BRCS will oversee the process
c. A technical review team (URCS, BRCS and possibly others) will and provide feedback on the draft case studies.
d. The draft report (second output) will be reviewed and feedback provided by URCS/BRCS.
e. As the contracting party, BRCS will sign-off the final case studies and reports.
f. URCS will provide logistical support: it will organise visits to project sites and help arrange meetings as needed.
g. URCS will provide / make available all necessary and relevant programming documents that may facilitate the work of the consultant
How to apply:
8.3 Application Procedure
Interested candidates should submit their application via email to Nancy Kariuki
Applications should include:
a.Curricula Vitae (CV) of no more than 3 sides
b. A one page cover letter (maximum) clearly summarizing your experience as it pertains to this review and details of your daily rate.
c. A brief outline (no more than one page) detailing the approach you would use to assessing VFM
d. At least one example of a case study written by you which most similar to that described in this TOR (the report will only be used in relation to the assessment of your application)
e. Names and contacts for three referees (these would only be contacted with permission at shortlisting stage)
Applications should be received by close of business on the 10th October 2013. Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted candidates contacted within 5 days of the closing date.
How to Apply
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