
Friday, 24 January 2014

Regional WASH Coordinator(GOAL)-Job vacancies in Uganda

Job Title: Regional WASH Coordinator (Uganda)
Organisation: GOAL
Job Location: Kampala, Uganda
Deadline: 24th January 2014
About GOAL:
GOAL is an emergency and development NGO established in 1977, currently operational in 13 countries world-wide. GOAL is currently in mid-cycle of a strategic period running from 2012-2016. GOAL programming focuses on both development and emergency contexts in both urban and rural settings. The focus is on integrated Health programming with WASH strategically falling under Health with overall aim of improving the health of target populations. GOAL has established long running WASH programmes within the three country programmes of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. Rural WASH programming in the three country programmes shares many commonalities in terms of addressing all WASH issues through a variety of activities. Water supply is typically delivered via a mixture of technologies, often boreholes with handpumps installed, but also rainwater harvesting and more comprehensive pumped distribution systems.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
    Provision of technical support:

  •     To provide technical support and advice to GOAL WASH Coordinators in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia country programmes
  •     Responsible for overall quality of programme implementation within the three target countries
  •     To ensure that reports and proposals submitted to donors and HQ are of sufficient technical standard and both align with and contribute to country WASH strategies
  •     Conduct regular field visits to monitor, review and report on progress of WASH interventions; specifically in relation to quality of the implementation, as well the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the on-going program.
  •     Work with selected country programmes on WASH Emergency Preparedness and Response plans, including periodic monitoring and updating
  •     Develop systems of WASH emergency preparedness for GOAL (focusing in the East Africa region) including building necessary links and relationships with suppliers and the logistics department in terms of material/product specifications
  •     Give feedback to the field team and the Global WASH Advisor on key recommendations following completion of a technical visit Participate in the Development and rollout of Standardised Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
  •     Ensure that all three country programmes have a functional WASH M&E plan in place
  •     Develop links between the WASH components and other sectors of country programmes in order to promote GOAL’s integrated programme approach. Organisational, Proposal and Policy Development
  •     Keep up to date with best practise and recent developments and disseminate to other members of the country programme teams and technical team members.
  •     Represent GOAL in external WASH forums as appropriate
  •     Monitor WASH donor trends within the target three countries and wider region
  •     Support GOAL in- country management in maintaining effective collaboration with donors and specifically build relationships with relevant focal points within donor organizations
  •     Be the focal person in WASH proposal development for three country programmes
  •     Participate in relevant discussion groups as required in order to assess future policy development Emergency Preparedness and Response
  •     Ensure emergency preparedness measures are established in target country programmes
  •     In addition, work with the Global WASH Advisor on enhancing GOAL’s emergency preparedness status globally
  •     Be available to respond to rapid onset emergencies in countries outside of the target area, handing over responsibilities within 2 weeks to in-country WASH Coordinators
  •     Subsequently work alongside or under direction of the Global WASH Advisor in emergency response for a maximum period of 6 weeks Training and Development
  •     Ensure WASH teams in target countries have a thorough understanding of GOAL’s 10 Key WASH Principles
  •     Develop and complete training for country WASH teams as appropriate
  •     Develop mentoring and training plans with the WASH Coordinators in the three target countries

Qualifications, Skills & Experience:
  •     The applicant should possess a bachelor’s degree in engineering, public health or other relevant field
  •     Additional post-graduate professional qualification with specific focus on water, sanitation and hygiene.
  •     At least four years’ experience, including experience of managing or advising across multiple countries
  •     Prior experience involves working on both development and humanitarian, urban and rural WASH programmes
  •     Possess a proven ability to secure funding for WASH programming in multiple countries
  •     Experience of working in a mentoring and coaching role and proven ability to transfer required skills to handover responsibility
  •     Prior experience and significant knowledge held in the following areas: Community Led Total Sanitation and sanitation marketing, Programming and systems to ensure sustainable rural water supply , Urban WASH, Designing Behaviour Change (DBC) Frameworks and other behaviour change focused hygiene promotion  and WASH in Schools
  •     Good understanding and experience of emergency preparedness mechanisms
  •     Good familiarity and ability to work with and gain agreements from relevant government offices
  •     Proficient in preparation of proposals and reports and having good writing, communication and computer skills.
  •     Fluency in written and spoken English.
  •     Willingness to travel extensively
  •     Additional languages (French, Arabic, Swahili,)
  •     Prior experience working in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Child Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offer made is also subject to police clearance.

How to Apply:
All suitably qualified and interested applicants should endeavor to express their interest by visiting the web link of the recruitment website

Click Here

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