
Sunday, 22 September 2013

Internal Auditor -Employment, career opportunity in Rwanda

Job Title:  Internal Auditor
Location:  Kigali, Rwanda, Africa
Level:  Mid Career (2+ years of experience)
Education level:  Bachelor's Degree
Job type:  Full time
Positions:  1
Salary:  Negotiable
Deadline:  26th Sept, 2013

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) wishes to recruit the civil servants on the following vacantpositions:

3. Internal Auditor

To be in charge of the whole system of control established by the Government :
- Run the business of the Ministry in an ordinary manner,
- Safe guard the assets of the Ministry
- Maintain records of financial matters and liability of records for appropriate decision making

Ensure controls regarding:
- Plans and programs as well as its organisational structure
- Conduct physical and personnel controls (procedures concerning human resources management, assets controls )
- Conduct accounting control ( verify the regular updating of the accountancy books at different level of the administration; verify the regular updating of the accountancy books ; verify the compliance, the legality and accuracy of all debts documents; verify that the account operations correspond to assets movement and are cross checked at reasonable intervals, and that theses assets exist
- Verify the supervisory and control managerial control to ensure the decisions making are properly done

Ensure a proper internal audit :
- Conduct a independent and continuous appraisal of activities to ensure that all others controls are operating accordingly to practices as described by Goys
- Propose useful amendments to improve the procedures, supports, and rules related to a priori and a posteriori budgetary controls and of financial and accountancy operations
- To make follow-up on the implementation of the Auditor General's recommendations:
- To analyze reports of the Auditor General of State Finances concerning the Ministry
- To ensure implementation of recommendations of the Auditor General of State Finances directed to the Ministry and provide advice thereupon

Specific requirement for the post:
Ao in Finance, Accounting, or Management specialising in Finance/ Accounting

All Interested Applicants should come and pick the Application form at the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA), in Human Resource's Office or download it from the website of P.S.0 (,this job announcement is also available at MIFOTRA's website
(, not later than 26/09/2013 whichwill be the deadline of submitting the Application form at 17.00 PM Sharp.
Written tests and interviews will be held later to selected successful candidates.

N.B: The Application form should be together with a non-notified of the required degree and a photocopy of the Nation Identity Card. Successful Candidates must be ready to start work immediately.

Permanent Secretary/MIFOTRA

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